A pneumothorax (a term for collapsed lung) occurs when air leaks into the space
between a lungs and chest wall, creating pressure against the lung. Depending on
the cause of the pneumothorax,lung may only partially collapse, or it may collapse.
Signs and symptoms of a pneumothorax usually include:
■Sudden, sharp chest pain on the same side as the affected lung — this pain
doesn't occur in the center of your chest under the breast bone
■Shortness of breath, which may be more or less severe, depending on how
much of your lung is collapsed
■A feeling of tightness in your chest
■A rapid heart rate
There are several types of pneumothorax:
■Primary spontaneous pneumothorax.when a small air blister (bleb)
on the top of the lung ruptures.
■Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.This develops in people who
already have a lung disorder, especially emphysema, which
progressively damages your lungs
■Traumatic pneumothorax. Any blunt or penetrating injury to your chest
can cause lung collapse.
■Tension pneumothorax.occurs when the pressure in the pleural space
is greater than the atmospheric pressure, either because air becomes
trapped in the pleural space or because the entering air is from a
positive-pressure mechanical ventilator.